WITH Clause: Subquery Factoring Using Hibernate

WITH dept_count AS (
  SELECT deptno, COUNT(*) AS dept_count
  FROM   emp
  GROUP BY deptno)
SELECT e.ename AS employee_name,
       dc.dept_count AS emp_dept_count
FROM   emp e,
       dept_count dc
WHERE  e.deptno = dc.deptno;


How can we map the data obtained from the previous query (the average temporary table dept_count created due to the use of WITH CLAUSE ) into the following java class?

My Java class has the following attributes: employee_name, emp_dept_count.


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1 answer

Use your own SQL query with AliasToBeanResultTransformer ( http://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/orm/3.3/api/org/hibernate/transform/AliasToBeanResultTransformer.html ).



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