Multiple ng class attributes in directive

The corresponding plnkr.

Q script.js

I have a directive super

. This directive has a pattern

template: '<div class="super" ng-class="{dirClass: foo}"></div>'


with the attribute ng-class


Note that the directive also has replace: true


The element <super>

that invokes this directive in index.html

has an attribute ng-class

. Apparently Angular doesn't like this. He will try to make out

[{viewClass: !bar} {dirClass: foo}]


which obviously fails. I expected it to be merged automatically. Not.

I think what I am trying to achieve is clear, but how would I go about it?


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1 answer

you can do it like this:


angular.module('app', [])
  .controller('myCtrl', function ($scope, $interval) {
    $ = false;

    $interval(function () {
      $ = !$;
    }, 500);

  .directive('super', function () {
    return {
      restrict: 'EA',
      template: '<div class="super" ng-class="{dirClass: foo , viewClass: !foo}" ></div>',
      scope: {
        foo: '='
      replace: true



 <super foo="bar"></super>




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