Check the whole table for one value

Background: I am converting a database table to a format that does not support null values. I want to replace null values ​​with an arbitrary number so that my application can support null values.

Question: I would like to search my table for the entire value (for example, "999999") to make sure it does not appear in the table. I could write a script to check each column separately, but I wanted to know if there is a way to do this in pure sql without listing each field. Is it possible?


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2 answers

You can use a special system function like PostgreSQL:

FROM   tbl t
WHERE  t::text LIKE '%999999%';


There is a composite type with the same name for every table created in PostgreSQL. And there is a view text

for every type in PostgreSQL (for I / O values).

So you can just pass the whole string in text

, and if the string "999999" is contained in any column (its exact representation text

, to be precise) it will be guaranteed to be shown in the query above.

You cannot completely eliminate false positives , although the delimiters and / or decorators used by Postgres to represent strings can be part of the search query. This is highly unlikely. And positively not for your search term "999999".

There was a very similar question on codereview.SE recently. I added some more explanation in my answer there .



create or replace function test_values( real ) returns setof record as
query text;
output record;
for query in select 'select distinct ''' || table_name || '''::text table_name, ''' || column_name || '''::text column_name from '|| quote_ident(table_name)||' where ' || quote_ident(column_name) || ' = ''' || $1::text  ||'''::' || data_type  from information_schema.columns where table_schema='public'   and numeric_precision is not null
    raise notice '%1 qqqq', query;
    execute query::text into output;
    return next output;
end loop;
end;$$ language plpgsql;

select distinct * from test_values( 999999 ) as t(table_name text ,column_name text)




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