Can you prevent regions from staying between launches using the CLLocationManager?

Is there a way to prevent the CLLocationManager from persisting from controlled scopes between runs? Every time the application starts, I need to add a new set of controlled regions, and the old ones are no longer needed. Is there a way to prevent them from being saved or to clear all the old ones during startup?


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1 answer

Of course, you can clear all currently controlled regions:

    for(CLRegion *region in [[WGLocation shared].locationManager monitoredRegions]){
        [[WGLocation shared].locationManager stopMonitoringForRegion:region];


If you have a specific ID that you want to remove:

+(void)clearRegionWatchForKey:(NSString *)key
    for(CLRegion *region in [[WGLocation shared].locationManager monitoredRegions]){
        if([region.identifier isEqualToString:key]){
            [[WGLocation shared].locationManager stopMonitoringForRegion:region];


You can copy the internals of the function to the appropriate location in your application. I copied them from my general manager class.



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