What is the difference between django.db.backends.dummy and django.db.backends.mysql?

What is the difference between django.db.backends.dummy and django.db.backends.mysql? I believe someone is using dummy and mysql, but I don't know the difference. After searching.


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1 answer


used when the database is backend MySQL


This is determined by the database parameters Engine

ENGINE = `django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2`


If as, is django.db.backends.dummy

not a per-word setting, but starts with

ENGINE = '' # The default setting for ENGINE



Digging into the source code fordjango.db.backends.dummy


Django uses this if the database DATA parameter is empty (None or empty string).

It also dummy

raises an error:

ImproperlyConfigured("settings.DATABASES is improperly configured. "
                           "Please supply the ENGINE value. Check "
                           "settings documentation for more details.")




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