Oracle Connect Top / Bottom Hierarchy

How can I get the top and bottom of the hierarchy using connect by, I have a table that stores the transition between IDs (ID-> REPLACE_ID), I'm interested in getting the last ID starting from any id.

--drop table test_connect_by;
create table test_connect_by(ID number, REPLACE_ID NUMBER);
insert into test_connect_by values(1,2);
insert into test_connect_by values(2,3);
insert into test_connect_by values(3,4);

insert into test_connect_by values(51,52);
insert into test_connect_by values(52,53);
insert into test_connect_by values(53,54);
insert into test_connect_by values(55,55);

SELECT id,replace_id, level
   FROM test_connect_by
   START WITH ID in (1,51)
   CONNECT BY PRIOR replace_id = id;


I'm interested in getting transitions from 1-4 and 51-54, otherwise I can start from 2 and get 2-4. Is there anything I can group to define a group that starts with 1 and a group that starts with 51?


source to share

2 answers

As one (simpler) approach, you can simply find the lowest id

and highest replace_id

grouping by value connect_by_root()

if replace_id

there is always more than id

, otherwise see Lennart's answer :

select min(id)         as begins
     , max(replace_id) as ends
  from test_connect_by
 start with id in (1, 51)
 connect by id = prior replace_id
 group by connect_by_root(id)



    BEGINS       ENDS
---------- ----------
         1          4
        51         54




Unconfirmed, so there might be some errors:

select id, replace_id 
from (
    SELECT CONNECT_BY_ROOT id as id, replace_id
         , row_number() over (partition by CONNECT_BY_ROOT id order by level desc) as rn
    FROM test_connect_by
    START WITH ID in (1,51)
    CONNECT BY PRIOR replace_id = id
) as T 
where rn = 1




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