Do I need to take action in case of Facebook Connect script errors?

I have a JS exception log so I can see all the JS exceptions thrown at my clients.

Very often I come across them:

Script error


or just Script Error on line 0

(most likely also caused by FB)

Anyway, my exception logs are cluttering up these exceptions, so I'm wondering:

  • Is there anything I can do to prevent these specific errors?
  • Are end users having active issues with these errors or is this a non-fatal script error in the Facebooks part?
  • Is it wise to ignore them in my exception log?

Errors seem to come and go rather randomly with no action, but still it seems strange to me to start ignoring these exceptions.


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1 answer

I saw this for facebook too. As far as I understand, this is not a special mistake on Facebook - it is an origin policy error. This can happen when people visit your site without, for example, facebook cookies (something that should be pretty common and normal). This code is out of control - feel free to ignore the warnings.

See more discussion on this excellent overflow column: Cryptic "Script Error." reported in Javascript in Chrome and Firefox .



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