Ng model on hidden razor inlet does not work

In my MVC 5 Razor view, I created a hidden field like:

@Html.HiddenFor(x => x.FormData.UserId,
                new { ng_model = "selectedEmployee.userId" })


When I do the required angular action to populate the property selectedEmployee.userId

, the hidden input is not populated.

But, when I change it to

@Html.TextBoxFor(x => x.FormData.UserId,
                 new { ng_model = "selectedEmployee.userId" })


Works and data is sent to the server.


<input type="hidden" name="FormData.UserId" value="{{selectedEmployee.userId}}">


works but

@Html.HiddenFor(x => x.FormData.UserId,
              new { value = "{{selectedEmployee.userId}}" })


not. (which is probably due to the fact that Razor is rewriting the HTML value)

What is the reason why hidden input with ng model doesn't work in Razor?


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2 answers

Change the value to ng_value

@Html.HiddenFor(x => x.FormData.UserId,
              new { ng_value = "{{selectedEmployee.userId}}" })




Here's how to assign a value to the Hidden Field. The sign of the value attribute 'V' must be capitalized.

<div data-ng-controller="MyFunction">
    @{Html.BeginForm("SchoolMedium", "BasicSetup", FormMethod.Post, new { });

    @Html.HiddenFor(s => s.SchoolMediumId, new { Value = "{{mascotmedium.SchoolMediumId}}" });



and in the controller

$scope.EditWhenAdded= function(row){           
 $scope.mascotmedium = row.entity;




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