Comparison of two delegate objects are the same instance

I am confused about comparing delegates. What I'm going to do is test two players to see if they are the same. But when I try to execute the code below, I get a compiler error that says "IPlayer does not convert to MirrorDisposition". What is the ideal way to validate delegates in Swift?

Here is my code:

var str = "Hello, playground"

protocol IPlayer{
    var x:Int {get set}

protocol IMatch{
    var ballOwner:IPlayer? {get set}

class Player:IPlayer{
    var x:Int = 5

class Match{
    var ballOwner:IPlayer?

var firstPlayer:protocol<IPlayer> = Player()
var secondPlayer:protocol<IPlayer> = Player()

//here is the problem !
if firstPlayer == secondPlayer {

// if i check with reflection there is no error. But is it correct way?
var a = reflect(firstPlayer)
var b = reflect(secondPlayer)

if a.objectIdentifier == b.objectIdentifier {
    println("equal no error")



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2 answers

The operator is ===

used to check that two object references point to the same object. It is defined on two operands AnyObject


But it does not work immediately, because firstPlayer

and secondPlayer

are not objects. A protocol IPlayer

can also match structures and enumerations. To constrain it to objects, you must declare it as protocol IPlayer : class


ps protocol<IPlayer>

can be written as simple IPlayer


protocol IPlayer : class {
  var x:Int {get set}

class Player : IPlayer {
  var x:Int = 5

var firstPlayer:IPlayer = Player()
var secondPlayer:IPlayer = Player()

if firstPlayer === secondPlayer {
} else {
  println("not equal") // prints "not equal" as expected




The error "IPlayer does not convert to MirrorDisposition" means that the compiler could not find the == operator for IPlayer objects. To fix this, you can define it yourself, perhaps like this:

func == (left: IPlayer, right: IPlayer) -> Bool {
    return left.x == right.x


Then you can compare firstPlayer to secondPlayer without using reflexive.



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