How do I update the look and feel of the old Windows user interface?

I have a really good computer program written for Windows XP. The program still works great and I would like to update the look of the user interface.

At this time, I would like to give buttons, etc. smoother, more modern look. Much better would be to provide touch and swipe functionality, etc. For tablets, etc.

Can anyone tell me what tools in Delphi are used to do this? For example, do I need to change every button and object manually via the object inspector or can I update / modify all the object objects in the project with one set of commands?


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1 answer

You can start by enabling Windows themes using Project-> Options-> Appearance from the main menu of the IDE. It is enabled by default since D2007, but will not be enabled because your application comes from Delphi 5. (New projects enabled it by default, but the IDE cannot know if you want to enable it or not when importing old projects.)

You can then start looking for gesture support by looking at the documentation for TGestureManager

and TGesture

. There TGestureManager

for VCL and FireMonkey (FMX) applications.

Please note that for cross-platform support (Android, iOS and OS X) you will need to port your application from VCL to FMX.



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