Gnuplot fits nested function

What is the correct way in gnuplot to fit a function f(x)

that has the following shape?

f(x) = A*exp(x - B*f(x))


I tried to set it like any other function using:

fit f(x) "data.txt" via A,B 


and the output is just a sentence: " stack overflow


I don't even know how to search for this thread, so any help would be greatly appreciated.

What are these functions called? Nested? Recursive? Implicit?



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3 answers

This is not only for fitting but also for plotting. You will need to write f (x) explicitly, otherwise gnuplot will loop it until it reaches the recursion limit. One way to do this is to use a different name:

f(x) = sin(x) # for example
g(x) = A*exp(x - B*f(x))


And now use g (x) to match, not f (x). If you've never declared f (x), then gnuplot has no expression to work with. In any case, if you want to define a function recursively, you will at least need to set the recursion limit. Maybe something like this:

f0(x) = x
f1(x) = A*exp(x - B*f0(x))
f2(x) = A*exp(x - B*f1(x))
f3(x) = A*exp(x - B*f2(x))


This can be automatically looped:

f0(x) = x
do for [i=1:limit] {
eval "f".i."(x) = A*exp(x - B*f".j."(x))"


Using the above expression, you are setting the recursion limit with a variable limit

. In any case, it must remain a finite number.



This is a recursive function. You need a recursion stop condition, for example the maximum number of iterations:

maxiter = 10
f(x, n) = (n > maxiter ? 0 : A*exp(x - B*f(x, n+1)))

fit f(x, 0) "data.txt" via A,B


Of course you should check what value should be returned when recursion is stopped (I used here 0




thank you for your responses

While discussing with a friend about this issue, I found a workaround.

First, such functions are called "transcendental functions", which means that the function f (x) is not explicitly decidable, but the variable x can be solved as a function f (x), and it will have the following form

x = B * f (x) + log (f (x) / A)

Hence, it is possible to define a new function (not transcendental)

g (x) = B * x + log (x / A)

From here you can put the function g (x) in the x vs y graph. Using gnuplot one can make the fitting like

fit g (x) "data.txt" using ($ 2): ($ 1) via A, B

Hope this helps someone else



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