ASP MVC setup to define image folder

I'm new to asp mvc and would like to define links in views to images / content folder in such a way that I don't have to change every link if the images folder changes.

Is it possible to use ActionLink and routing, pooling or is there a better way to achieve this.

I couldn't find a good example anywhere, so I haven't tried anything coding far.

I'm going to store a fixed path somewhere, but is this really an mvc type solution?


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1 answer

There are several ways to do this. Here's one approach to extending the method Url.Content()


1. Creating an extension method

We will call it Virtual()


namespace TestApp.Extensions
    public static class UrlHelperExtensions
        private const string _settingPattern = "path:{0}";
        private const string _regexPattern = @"\{\w+\}";

        public static string Virtual(this UrlHelper helper, string url)
            Regex r = new Regex(_regexPattern);
            var matches = r.Matches(url);

            if (matches.Count == 0) return url;

            var sb = new StringBuilder(url);
            var keys = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings.AllKeys;

            foreach (var match in matches)
                string key = match.ToString().TrimStart('{').TrimEnd('}');
                string pattern = string.Format(_settingPattern, key);

                foreach (var k in keys)
                    if (k == pattern)
                        sb.Replace(match.ToString(), WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get(k));

            return helper.Content(sb.ToString());


2. Add settings to main Web.config

Freely add any paths you want.

<add key="path:images" value="~/Content/images" />
<add key="path:scripts" value="~/scripts" />


3. Add the namespace to the Web.config directory of your directory

    <add namespace="TestApp.Extensions"/>


4. Use a new method






Now you can use Virtual()

wherever you would like Content()


This decision may be over the top, but it is all-encompassing.



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