How average admin control panel implementations

meanjs uses angularjs for front-end mvc and is a SPA application, so when the admin dashboard is different from the previous page, what's the best way to implement the admin dashboard? perhaps two access points?


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3 answers

I was looking for a way to achieve this and I am posting my search result here. First, create a new module:

yo meanjs:angular-module admin
yo meanjs:angular-route adminHome
? Which module does this route belongs to? admin
? What do you want your route path to be? admin-home
? What do you want to call your view? admin-home
? What do you want to call your controller? AdminHome
   create public/modules/admin/config/admin.client.routes.js
   create public/modules/admin/controllers/admin-home.client.controller.js
   create public/modules/admin/tests/admin-home.client.controller.test.js
   create public/modules/admin/views/admin-home.client.view.html


Once you've taken this first step, make sure that when you continue with: http: // localhost: 3000 / #! / Admin-home , you are effectively loading the generated view. Then you will start generating your express route and controller:

yo meanjs:express-route admin
yo meanjs:express-controller admin


Now here's the fun. The idea is to tell Express to load different kinds of layouts when you click/admin

//Content of app/controllers/admin.server.controller.js
'use strict';

exports.index = function(req, res){
    res.render('admin-index', {
        user: req.user || null,
        request: req

//Content of app/routes/admin.server.routes.js
'use strict';

module.exports = function(app) {
    var admin = require('../../app/controllers/admin.server.controller');


Copy / Paste:

app/views/index.server.view.html -> app/views/admin-index.server.view.html
app/views/layout.server.view.html ->app/views/admin-layout.server.view.html


Edit app/views/admin-index.server.view.html


{% extends 'admin-layout.server.view.html' %}

{% block content %}
    <section data-ui-view></section>
{% endblock %}


Edit app/views/admin-layout.server.view.html


{% for jsFile in jsFiles %}<script type="text/javascript" src="/{{jsFile}}"></script>{% endfor %}


Note the '/' before {{jsFile}}

Finishing touch. Since your browser is now loading / administering instead / you need to tell u-router that the path to templates is absolute and not relative.

//Content of public/modules/admin/config/admin.client.routes.js
'use strict';

//Setting up route
    function($stateProvider) {
        // Admin state routing
        state('admin-home', {
            url: '/admin-home',
            templateUrl: '/modules/admin/views/admin-home.client.view.html'


Notice the "/" at the beginning of the templateUrl content

Now check your admin area by going to http://localhost:3000/admin/#!/admin-home



I do not understand your question. If I am correct, you are probably asking about connecting the SPA to a regular webpage (dashboard). If so, you can add another logical path for the AngularJS app, then you can open the app from a separate logical URL. For example (../dashboard/angularApp)

Or if you are asking about how to implement a toolbar using angularJS, here is someone working, you can check it out.



Based on my understanding of the question, you need a server control panel and a sales site.

What I usually do is put the dashboard pages on a different subdomain and regular pages on the main domain.

eg: -> admin dashboard → sales pages, e.g. about us, faq, etc.



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