Interface is not allowed inside methods

I have looked into some books for OCPJP 7 certification and there was some strange / incomplete information at the head of the inner classes. I tried to create an interface inside a method, but you can't seem to do that, you can create classes inside a method. Is there any reason you can't do this or is this just a missing feature?

Sample code:

public class Outer {
  public void method() {
    class C {} // allowed
    interface I {} // interface not allowed here



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1 answer

If you read the Java Tutorials carefully , you will see that:

You cannot declare an interface inside a block, because interfaces are inherently static.

This means that if you have an interface like:

public class MyClass {
   interface MyInterface {
       public void test();


You can do

MyClass.MyInterface something = new MyClass.MyInterface() {
    public void test () { .. }


because it MyInterface

will be obvious static

. It doesn't make sense to bind to an instance of the enclosing class, because it just provides some abstraction that doesn't have to be tied to a specific instance or state of the enclosing class.

The same thing happens when the interface is nested within a method. Nothing inside a method can be (explicitly) static

(because non-static methods are bound to a specific instance of a class-class) and therefore you cannot have a local interface.



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