JSP cannot find default package for i18n
After browsing all over the internet, I ended up asking this question, although I find it difficult to describe the situation.
I have a small application here that runs on an embedded Tomcat server (v7) and uses servlets and JSPs; I am trying to internationalize them using JSTL tags. The final project is deployed as a JAR and when I run it from the console using the java -jar
embedded server starts up well, everything works fine.
The problem is when I try to run it in the IDE (I am using IntelliJ Idea v13.1.2): it starts again, but instead of the values ββfrom the package, the pages show values ββfor example default_username ???.
This is how my JSPs look like:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<%@ taglib prefix="fmt" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/fmt" %>
<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" %>
<c:set var="language"
value="${not empty param.language ? param.language : not empty language ? language : pageContext.request.locale}"
<fmt:setLocale value="${language}"/>
<fmt:setBundle basename="messages" scope="session" var="bund"/>
<title><fmt:message bundle="${bund}" key="default.title" /></title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/tdb.css" media="all">
Etc. <fmt:message bundle="${bund}" key="default.title" />
and similar parts work fine when i use the JAR and the result is default.title ??? when from IDE. In one case I am using a package file from a servlet and when run from JAR it works fine and when from IDE it comes up java.util.MissingResourceException
What have I tried so far? I added messages.properties and messages_en_US.properties files in different locations (in the resources folder on the same level with the java and webapp folders, in a separate package in the com.my.example package, just like simple properties files in the com.my.example package), tried to access it only with the base name ( resourceBundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("messages", locale);
) or with the full path; Also, I am setting the fallbackLocale and localizationContext parameters in the web.xml file.
What am I missing?
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The code looks good.
I have been looking at some of my projects and I have the following attributes:
<fmt:setBundle basename="org.juanitodread.msg.label" var="label"/>
<fmt:message key="common.title" bundle="${label}" />
I have my projects in Eclipse, but you can try without the "scope" attribute. My label.properties file is in the org.juanitodread.msg package.
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I am also using Intellij Idea and have similar problems, here are my findings. You have to put your messages file in
(Typically, Idea will highlight the resource folder icon with the specified icon). I have no locale setting and localization options in web.xml. My package file is called messages_en.properties and I am using it as a way
<fmt:setBundle basename="messages" var="labels" />
and don't add "resources.messages" to the basename attribute. I am running IntellijIdea version 2016.2 and my application works fine:
- embedded Tomcat v 7.0.73 using bmuschko gradle -tomcat plugin https://github.com/bmuschko/gradle-tomcat-plugin
- remote deployment of Tomcat v 7.0.73 with Tomcat server configuration
To check if your resources are actually loading (if your properties are not loaded on the page, which means you are clearly missing a file), use the following code as mentioned at fooobar.com/questions/876089 / ...
ClassLoader ctxLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
URL propsURL = ctxLoader.getResource("opto-mapping.properties");
URLConnection propsConn = propsURL.openConnection();
If you have loaded your resources openConnecton will throw an exception, this connection to Message.properties is already open (at least I did that and tried to make my package work as well for a long time).
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