AngularJS Reading web.config value

I have an angularjs factory function that calls a REST service. My problem is currently. The REST url is hardcoded in the service factory. I want to remove this hardcoding

(function () {
'use strict';

var auctionServices = angular.module('auctionService', ['ngResource']);

var baseUrl = "http://localhost:5037";

auctionServices.factory('auctions', ['$resource', function ($resource) {

    return $resource(baseUrl + '/services/rest/auctions', {}, {
        filter: {
            url: baseUrl + '/services/rest/auctions?location=:location&status=:status',
            isArray: true,
            params: { location: '@location', status: '@status' },
            withCredentials: true,
            cache: false


My problem is with the below line

var baseUrl = "http://localhost:5037";


I need to set baseUrl value from web.config or please help me with any other better approach.


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3 answers

If your problem is moving all your global configs into one file, you can use the constant: create config.js file like this:

angular.module('myApp').constant('configs', {
  baseUrl: 'http://localhost:5037'


Then in the factory, enter configs:

auctionServices.factory('auctions', ['$resource', 'configs', function ($resource, configs){


configs.baseUrl contains your url



If your application is filed in "http://localhost:5037"

, you can simply do






Unless you are using cross domain, otherwise your application and REST API path are different.

In this case, you can put baseUrl like

module.value('APP_CONTEXT',{}).$location, APP_CONTEXT)) {
  var baseUrlConstuct = null;
 //your logic here to get the domain name from 
 //$location.path() and construct a base url.

  APP_CONTEXT.baseUrl = baseUrlConstuct;



Then in your factories

        ['$resource', 'APP_CONTEXT', function ($resource, APP_CONTEXT) {

     return $resource(APP_CONTEXT.baseUrl + '/services/rest/auctions', {}, {


I might suggest using Restangular - it's all pretty neat for you, including other gooodies.



We set it up in config.js file, by the way, we do this

//custom config settings
var appServicesHostName = "http\\://localhost\\:62784/api";
var memberServicesHostName = "http\\://localhost\\:48089";
var coverageServiceHostName = "http\\://localhost\\:5841";

var config = {
    appServicesHostName: appServicesHostName,
    memberServicesHostName: memberServicesHostName,
    coverageServiceHostName: coverageServiceHostName,

app.value("config", config);


Then you can just inject it into your services, something like this

        ['$q', '$http', 'config', 'Dependents', inRelatedInsuredEditDataSvc]);


This answers your question, but you are still hard-coding parts of the URL. Your best bet is to customize the routes and name them. They can move routes, change them without changing them everywhere. For example in config.route.js

(function () {

    'use strict';

    var app = angular.module('app');

    // Collect the routes
    app.constant('routes', getRoutes());

    // Configure the routes and route resolvers
    app.config(['$routeProvider', 'routes', routeConfigurator]);

    function routeConfigurator($routeProvider, routes) {

        routes.forEach(function (r) {
            $routeProvider.when(r.url, r.config);

        $routeProvider.otherwise({ redirectTo: '/insureds/search' });

    // Define the routes 
    function getRoutes() {
        return [
                name: 'InsuredsSearchView',
                url: '/insureds/search',
                config: {
                    templateUrl: 'app/insured/search/inSearch.html',
                    reloadOnSearch: false,
                    settings: {}
                name: "InsuredCallLogAdd",
                url: '/insureds/:insuredId/callLogs/add',
                config: {
                    templateUrl: 'app/insured/callLog/edit/inCallLogEdit.html',
                    reloadOnSearch: false,
                    settings: {}



As you can see, we name each route and refer to it by name, not hard-coded links all over the place. All you need now is a service to give a route like this

(function () {
    'use strict';

    var serviceId = 'routesSvc';

    angular.module('app').factory(serviceId, ['$location', 'routes', routesSvc]);

    function routesSvc($location, routes) {
        // Define the functions and properties to reveal.
        var service = {
            getPath: getPath,
            navigateTo: navigateTo,
            getTemplateUrl: getTemplateUrl

        return service;

        function getPath(routeName, routeParameters) {

            var route = _.findWhere(routes, { name: routeName });

            if (route == undefined) {
                //EP: finish - use $log and throw error
                console.log("route: " + routeName + " does not exist");

            var qParameterKeys = [];

            var path = route.url;

            for (var key in routeParameters) {
                if (path.indexOf(":" + key) == -1) {
                } else {
                    path = path.replace(":" + key, routeParameters[key]);

            if (qParameterKeys.length > 0) {
                path = path + "?";

                key = qParameterKeys[0];
                var item = routeParameters[key];
                var value = angular.isObject(item) ? angular.toJson(item) : item;

                path = path + key + "=" + value;

                for (var i = 1; i < qParameterKeys.length; i++) {
                    key = qParameterKeys[i];
                     item = routeParameters[key];
                     value = angular.isObject(item) ? angular.toJson(item) : item;
                     path = path + '&' + key + "=" + value;

            return path;

        function navigateTo(routeName, routeParameters) {
            $location.url(getPath(routeName, routeParameters));

        function getTemplateUrl(routeName) {
            var route = _.findWhere(routes, { name: routeName });

            if (route == null) throw (routeName + " is not defined in config.route.js");

            return route.config.templateUrl;



and then you can use it like this

<a data-ng-href="#{{getPath('BatchDefaultView',{batchId:result.batchId})}}">


See without hardcoded URL

and if you need other information about the route or patterns, you can even make it available through the scope, like

(function () {
    'use strict';

    var app = angular.module('app'); ($rootScope, routesSvc) {

        $rootScope.getPath = function (routeName, parameters) {
            return routesSvc.getPath(routeName, parameters);

        $rootScope.navigateTo = function(routeName, parameters) {
            routesSvc.navigateTo(routeName, parameters);

        $rootScope.getTemplateUrl = function(routeName) {
           return routesSvc.getTemplateUrl(routeName);


Hope this helps you keep it clean.



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