BizTalk :: The starting element named "X" and namespace "Y" was unexpected
BizTalk got error message below:
The adapter was unable to send a message sending port "TIMESHEET_ODS_GMPS_FAB" with the URL "MSSQL: // SINGVSQLD8 / VID08 / GMPS InboundId = CSP_BT_TIMESHEET_ODS_TO_GMPS". It will be retransmitted after the retry interval specified for this Send port. Details: "Microsoft.ServiceModel.Channels.Common.XmlReaderParsingException: The initial element named" CSP_BT_TIMESHEET_ODS_TO_GMPS "and Namespace" "was unexpected. that your input XML matches the schema for the operation.
I realize there have been several posts previously with the same topic, but unfortunately they don't apply as I tried the following with no result:
- Validate an instance between the runtime message and the schema to ensure that the input XML matches the schema
- Make sure the message is configured to correct the message type during Orchestration flow
- Use a consistent namespace in Schema
- Use operation name "CSP_BT_TIMESHEET_ODS_TO_GMPS" in SOAP action Header to match with send and use operation ID Action "Procedure / dbo / CSP_BT_TIMESHEET_ODS_TO_GMPS" to match namespace
In addition, there are several other things that may or may not be related:
- I tried to set the Root Reference property
- No schema uses the same namespace
- No port using the same InboundID
- I am not using XML passing for this particular schema
My runtime [but shortened] The message looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<CSP_BT_TIMESHEET_ODS_TO_GMPS xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="">
<p_request_xml><GMPS_FAB><record><fromdate>2014-02-01T00:00:00</fromdate><todate>2014-02-07T00:00:00</todate><empno>00157772</empno><legacyempnum>90297</legacyempnum><timesheet_date>2014-02-05T00:00:00</timesheet_date><paycode>AUST-NOR-SAL</paycode><spanid>63295458</spanid><contractnum>R3133</contractnum><company_code>0244</company_code><job_project>45985</job_project><subacct_costctr>CRPMT</subacct_costctr><ctr_opcode>CR001</ctr_opcode><wbs_code /><ll1worked>0244</ll1worked><ll2worked>0100</ll2worked><ll3worked>45985</ll3worked><ll4worked>CRPMT</ll4worked><ll6worked /><hoursamt>8.000000</hoursamt><acttrantype>O</acttrantype><billot>R</billot><billotrate>119.790000</billotrate><diff_rate /><diff_ot_rate>0.00000000000000</diff_ot_rate><direct_ind>D</direct_ind><emp_base_rate>119.790000</emp_base_rate><emp_ot_rate>0.000000000000</emp_ot_rate><interfaceflag /><vendorcode /><PAYRULE>AUST-STAFF-EXEC</PAYRULE><hourstype>REG</hourstype><emp_engage_type>N</emp_engage_type><contractor_ot_rate /><last_modified>2014-02-06T19:27:16.400</last_modified><process_date>2014-03-26T22:29:04.417</process_date><calendar_id>502</calendar_id><equip_depth /><equip_block /><equip_loc /><fullnm>Burry, Raymond W</fullnm><shiftcode>8</shiftcode><ll1home>0244</ll1home><ll2home>5000</ll2home><ll3home>52363</ll3home><craftcode /><exportflag /><job_discipline_code /><job_discipline_name>Project Engineer (Eng)</job_discipline_name><application_code>GMPS</application_code><application_name>GMPS</application_name><calgroup_name>GMPS APAC Engineering</calgroup_name><calgroup_desc>GMPS AP Engineering</calgroup_desc><location_code>SING</location_code><calendar_name>GMPS_GMPS APAC Engineering_02012014_02072014</calendar_name><date_last_extracted>2014-03-24T22:23:00</date_last_extracted></record></GMPS_FAB></p_request_xml>
<p_response_xml xsi:nil="true" />
My circuit looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16" ?>
<xs:schema xmlns="" xmlns:b="" xmlns:ns3="" elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="" version="1.0" xmlns:xs="">
<xs:import schemaLocation=".\DataSetSchema.xsd" namespace="" />
<fileNameHint xmlns="">Procedure.dbo</fileNameHint>
<b:reference targetNamespace="" />
<xs:element name="CSP_BT_TIMESHEET_ODS_TO_GMPS">
<doc:action xmlns:doc="">Procedure/dbo/CSP_BT_TIMESHEET_ODS_TO_GMPS</doc:action>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="p_request_xml" nillable="true" type="xs:string" />
<xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="p_response_xml" nillable="true" type="xs:string" />
<xs:element name="CSP_BT_TIMESHEET_ODS_TO_GMPSResponse">
<doc:action xmlns:doc="">Procedure/dbo/CSP_BT_TIMESHEET_ODS_TO_GMPS/response</doc:action>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="CSP_BT_TIMESHEET_ODS_TO_GMPSResult" nillable="true" type="ns3:ArrayOfDataSet" />
<xs:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="ReturnValue" type="xs:int" />
<xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="p_response_xml" nillable="true" type="xs:string" />
My SOAP Action Header looks like this:
<BtsActionMapping xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<Operation Name="CSP_BT_TIMESHEET_ODS_TO_GMPS" Action="Procedure/dbo/CSP_BT_TIMESHEET_ODS_TO_GMPS" />
If you've ever come across a similar error message, or see that there is something wrong with my code, a hint would be much appreciated.
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The problem has now been resolved. I ran into several other issues, including a timeout issue, though until I finally finish development now and am not going to push QA.
In short, I got an offline suggestion that mentioned that I shouldn't change one schema and just find and replace whatever needs to be used as another schema, even if I did a clean find and replace process. So I recreated the schema from scratch and redistributed and it all worked well all of a sudden.
Also, I used namespace instead of postfixed name / GMPS in the newly created schema as this was the default, besides namespace everything else in the new scheme is an exact match [as I see it, at least] with the old one.
However, since my project is slightly behind schedule, I didn't try: [1] Change the namespace without re-creating the schema from scratch [2] To try to use the namespace with postfix / GMPS after recreating the schema from scratch
This entry is for reference purposes only.
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