What's the difference between the cloud-optimized ASP.Net vNext and the regular version?

I am very excited about the recent developments around the ASP.Net platform, mono and open source, and I want to start developing applications (I expect mostly mobile APIs as well as full websites) that can also run on a Linux server. So I go about installing everything, programming and reading, but one thing that I constantly come across is the fact that the ASP.Net stack you can run on Mac OS X and Linux has a shorthand structure like this MSDN blog .

In .NET vNext (cloud optimized)


Uses a smaller set of framework libraries

I am wondering what fully relates to this, especially for the specific purpose of creating web pages or APIs. Which libraries are not available and which ones?


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1 answer

ASP.NET vNext (web infrastructure stack) basically has nothing to do with a cloud optimized runtime, it is just another runtime that it can run in.

Traditionally the .NET CLR has been / installed machine-wide, and updating it is painful as it affects basically every application, which means that many developers are stuck with the old CLR / .NET Framework.

This is the reason they introduced an Optimized Cloud Runtime (or CoreCLR), with advantages like xcopy deployable and lighter overall. You use NuGet packages to fetch only the libraries you need, including things like System.Console


So in the end, ASP.NET vNext frameworks like MVC or SignalR will execute, and on each one Microsoft checks each one:

  • Desktop CLR (the one we've all known from many years)
  • Mono
  • Cloud-optimized / CoreCLR (new, though based on work done with Silverlight).

The time-optimized runtime is just the Windows version, it doesn't make much sense on Linux / OSX because Mono already gives you most of the benefits like xcopy-deployability. The only thing that would be in terms of completeness, but as I said, Microsoft will test Mono to make sure it works perfectly.

Sources: https://github.com/aspnet/Testing/issues/34 and http://alxandr.me/2014/06/24/new-blog-vnext-and-some-runting/

Update Nov 04: to add another source that clarifies the confusion about CoreCLR for Linux: in the latest release ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2oafQVI4Lx4#t=706 ) at 11:45 am Damin Edwards is talking:

CoreCLR works on Windows. On Linux, you are using Mono.

Update Nov, 13: Microsoft is open source only .NET Core and announced that it is porting it to Linux / Mac: http://www.hanselman.com/blog/AnnouncingNET2015NETAsOpenSourceNETOnMacAndLinuxAndVisualStudioCommunity.aspx



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