Unable to start programs from batch file. Windows cannot find the file

So I am trying to run multiple programs at the same time and I have a batch file with this command

Start "My Program" "E:\Path1A\Path1B\Program1.exe"
Start "My Program Also" "E:\Path1A\Path2A\Path2B\Program2.exe" options"


A Windows popup will appear saying:

Windows cannot find 'E:\Path1A\Path1B\Program1.exe' Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again.

Windows cannot find 'E:\Path1A\Path2A\Path2B\Program2.exe' Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again.


This works in Windows 8.1. I double checked the path and it is correct. What's going on here?


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3 answers

Try as below

START "My Program" /D "E:\Path1A\Path1B\" Program1.exe
START "My Program Also" /D "E:\Path1A\Path2A\Path2B\" Program2.exe "options"




try without start

. Like this:

"E:\Path1A\Path2A\Path2B\Program2.exe" options




Your files are not in this location with this filename. This is what this particular error message tells you:

If there are non-Latin characters in the path or filename, this could be a problem.

Also, you have unbalanced double quotes on this line:

Start "My Program Also" "E:\Path1A\Path2A\Path2B\Program2.exe" options"




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