Compile LESS with different variables using grunt

I have a Bootstrap based HTML template that has different colors (red, green, etc.). Colors are changed using a variable @brand

in   variables.less

. Now I go to this file, change the variable, compile fewer files, go to the compiled css files directory and rename the CSS file to match that color ( red.css

, green.css

etc.). And I do this steps 7 times (7 colors = 7 steps).

Can I automate this process with grunt or something like this and how?


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2 answers

Using grunt-contrib-less you can overwrite any variable. Thus, you can automate your process by following these steps:

module.exports = function(grunt) { 

        less: {

                /** Red**/
                red: {
                    options: {
                        paths: ["less/"],
                        modifyVars: {
                            brand : 'red'
                    files: {
                        "css/red.css": "less/style.less"
                /** Red**/
                green: {
                    options: {
                        paths: ["less/"],
                        modifyVars: {
                            brand : 'green'
                    files: {
                        "css/green.css": "less/style.less"


    grunt.registerTask('default', ['less:red','less:green']);


change the config based on your file structures and add as many items as you need - I made 2 items



When dynamically creating your issue, you can create a drier version of @Aajhid's accepted answer, see also: Run Grunt tasks recursively over an array

Yours Gruntfile.js

might look like this:

module.exports = function (grunt) {
  'use strict';

var TaskArray = [];
var tasks = [];
var colors = ['red','green','blue'];

colors.forEach(function(color) { 
        tasks[color] = {options: {sourceMap:true, modifyVars:{}},files:{} };
        tasks[color]['options']['modifyVars']['brand']= color;
        tasks[color]['files']['dist/' + color + '.css'] = 'less/project.less';
        TaskArray.push('less:' + color);
grunt.registerTask( 'default', TaskArray );  




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