Spring version of validator for boot and hibernation

Why does the newest spring boot 1.1.5 use Hibernate validator 5.0.3 if version 5.1.2 already exists?

Is there some technical reason (incompatibility with Spring) for it or is it safe to use exception in maven and manage it yourself?


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1 answer

Why is the newest spring boot 1.1.5 using Hibernate validator 5.0.3 if version 5.1.2 is available?

I am not a developer on the spring boot team, but if I were to make a guess I would say that keeping up with the newest version of a library can be difficult to maintain stability with something so many people depend on the spring framework and soon spring boot.

Perhaps this applies to your software too? Unless you have specific requirements for 5.1 features, then at least you know that 5.0.3 has passed all the tests that the spring boot team has put together.

Is there some technical reason (incompatibility with Spring) for it or is it safe to use an exception in maven and manage it yourself?

It's hard to answer, but when you ask this question often, the migration guide gives you the best answer, here is the hibernation validator migration guide.


Just from eye changes, I cannot figure out where including 5.1 will go wrong in the newest spring boot, but I cannot be 100% sure of that.

But if you really need 5.1 features and don't know if they will work, perhaps the best advice was given years ago.

One must learn by doing the thing;
    for though you think you know it you have no certainty, until you try.

— Sophocles


Supporting article on this concept http://blog.8thlight.com/kevin-buchanan/2014/05/20/be-empirical.html



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