Missing CC button in Mozilla Firefox

I am working with subtitles (WebVtt) in HTML5. A subtitle on / off button should appear on the video player. But that doesn't happen in firefox. Working example here, simple test using webvtt subtitles: http://www.erher.no/TEMP/HTML5/subtitle/webvtt.html

the problem with Firefox is the CC button is missing?

I can get the subtitles to show by setting the default option in the track tag, so it works, but where is the CC button?

Mozilla and WebVtt: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Video_Text_Tracks_Format



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1 answer

Firefox just hasn't implemented its own control yet. You can see the feature request in your bug tracker .

If you need a control, you will have to implement it yourself using JavaScript.



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