Apache Cordova Facebook Plugin STRICTLY FAILURE

I'm trying to install the facebook cordova plugin using the CLI cordova, but unfortunately, whatever I do, I get BUILD FAILED when I try cordova build android


This is what I use to install the plugin

cordova plugin add https://github.com/phonegap/phonegap-facebook-plugin --variable APP_ID="my_facebook_app_id" --variable APP_NAME="my_facebook_app_name"


Of course I am using my real facebook App_ID and App_Name. I also put them in plugin.xml

wherever APP_NAME or APP_ID is. I don't know how to get the old cmd error logs because the only errors I see when the crash error is the error that comes from the previous error. I tried cordova build android -d

it but it didn't help.

I don't know if this is due to my version of cordova or the fact that I already have other plugins and I have developed quite a lot and my application is no longer as empty as the example.

Cordova version: 3.5.0-0.2.6

PS: Just tried this on a new cord build of my version, same error. I wonder how everyone else won't get, obviously, the bug is in me or in the Cordova version; (


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