PowerShell: remove xml node if its children meet certain criteria
I have an xml file that is generated by FileZilla and contains connection information for multiple ftp servers.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<LocalDir />
<RemoteDir />
<Comments />
<LocalDir />
<RemoteDir />
Now I am working on a script to select ftp accounts which are then removed from this xml file. Here's what I have so far:
$SiteManager = "C:\Temp\SiteManager.xml"
[XML]$SiteManagerXMLContent = Get-Content $SiteManager -Encoding UTF8
#Account that gets removed
$FTPAccName = "Server1"
$FTPAccUserName = "SomeUser"
$FTPAccPassWord = "p455w0rd"
$FTPAccComment = "Comment"
ForEach($Server in $SiteManagerXMLContent.FileZilla3.Servers)
$XMLServerName = $Server.SelectSingleNode("//Name[.='$FTPAccName']")
$XMLUserName = $Server.SelectSingleNode("//User[.='$FTPAccUserName']")
$XMLPassWord = $Server.SelectSingleNode("//Pass[.='$FTPAccPassWord']")
$XMLComment = $Server.SelectSingleNode("//Comment[.='$FTPAccComment']")
if($XMLServerName.'#text' -eq $FTPAccName -and $XMLUserName.'#text' -eq $FTPAccUserName -and $XMLPassWord.'#text' -eq $FTPAccPassWord -and $XMLComment.'#text' -eq $FTPAccComment)
This removes all the child nodes of the selected server, but not the parent node: which is what I'm aiming for. I would like to remove all node.
After running this script, my xml looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Comments />
<LocalDir />
<RemoteDir />
The problem I'm running into is that every server has the same tag, so I need to define the correct server by its child nodes.
Thanks for any help.
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