How to sort MySQL results by most matches when using LIKE

I am currently working on a query that should display a list of all articles from a specific table, but it should sort the list according to the search form so that the articles containing the most / best matches are shown first, and those that have no matches at all will be shown last sorted in alphabetical order.

I made this code which works fine, although I can't seem to find a way to sort the matches by most hits / relevance.

Here is my code:

$search = $_POST["searhwords"];
$search = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ',$search);

$SearchQueryArray = str_replace(",", "", $search);
$SearchQueryArray = str_replace(" ", ",", $SearchQueryArray);
$SearchQueryArray = explode(',', $SearchQueryArray);

$outputtt1 = '';
$outputtt2 = '';
foreach ( $SearchQueryArray as $queryword )
    $outputtt1 .= "title LIKE '%".$queryword."%' OR ";  
    $outputtt2 .= "title NOT LIKE '%".$queryword."%' AND ";  

$outputtt1 = rtrim($outputtt1, ' OR ');
$outputtt2 = rtrim($outputtt2, ' AND ');

$query_for_result = mysql_query("SELECT * from mytable 
WHERE ".$outputtt1."
union all
SELECT * from mytable 
WHERE ".$outputtt2."


So I need to find a way to sort the article that contains the matches, so that the ones that contain the most matches are sorted first.

You can see the script I Done here:


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2 answers

Here's the SQL that does it:

select t.*
from mytable
order by ((title like '%keyword1%') +
          (title like '%keyword2%') +
          (title like '%keyword3%') +
          . . .
          (title like '%keywordn%')
         ) desc;


MySQL treats boolean expressions as numbers, and true as 1

. So this counts the number of hits.

By the way, if your data is of any size, you may find full text search more efficient than using like



Counting the number of keywords is a little tricky, but you can do it like:

order by ((length(replace(title, 'keyword1', 'x')) -
           length(replace(title, 'keyword1', '')
          ) +
          (length(replace(title, 'keyword2', 'x')) -
           length(replace(title, 'keyword2', '')
          ) +
          . . .
          (length(replace(title, 'keywordn', 'x')) -
           length(replace(title, 'keywordn', '')


Counting the number of times a keyword appears is more cumbersome than just finding where it is or not.



Another way to do it with full text search

  MATCH('title') AGAINST($_GET['query']) * 10 as score1, 
  MATCH('content') AGAINST($_GET['query']) * 5 AS score2
FROM articles
WHERE MATCH (title, content) AGAINST($_GET['query'])
ORDER BY (score1) + (score2) DESC;


Modify the table this way if necessary

ALTER TABLE articles ADD FULLTEXT(title, content);




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