R using temporary parameter settings inside a function

I have a function that requires me to set a parameter, namely stringsAsFactors=FALSE

. My all too general approach was to keep the existing value at the beginning of the function

op <- option("stringsAsFactors")


and before calling return(x)

be sure to call



While this works, it is a long and complex function that can return from multiple places, so I need to either make sure each is return(x)

preceded options(op)

, or create a tiny function (itself inside my function) that does just that:

returnfunc <- function(x) { options(op) return(x) }

So my question is, what would be the best way to do this? Specifically, would one of them prevent the function from exiting with an error and leave the parameter (unnecessarily) changed?


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2 answers

There's a built-in function on.exit

that does exactly that. for example

f<-function() {
    op <- options(stringsAsFactors=FALSE)



You can change whatever parameters you want in the call options()

and return all values ​​before the changelog so that it can be easily reset. You can pass any expression you want on.exit

, here we'll just return the parameters as they were. This will run when the function exits. See ?on.exit

for more information.



You can also add a default argument which allows the user to change it if they wish, and then pass the argument to the function that uses it.

For example,

f <- function(x, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) {

        read.csv(..., stringsAsFactors = stringsAsFactors)



This way you can change it to TRUE

if you like and not change options()

. You really don't want to mess with options()

inside functions.



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