Gradle exec commandLine doesn't work for me

I'm trying to run an executable with arguments from gradle:

task deploy(dependsOn: jar) {
    exec {
        commandLine "javafxpackager -deploy -native -outdir ${deployDirName} -outfile ${jarBaseName} -srcfiles ./${project.buildDir}/${project.libsDirName}/${jarBaseName}-${project.version}.jar -appclass ${mainClass} -name ${jarBaseName} -title '${project.description}'"


Gradle complains that the process exited with a non-zero return code, but if I copy the command and run it in a bash terminal, it works flawlessly.

So what am I doing wrong?



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1 answer

There are two problems with this code: first, the call exec

happens outside of the task ( doLast { ... }

). The result exec

is called for every call to the assembly (even when typed gradle help

) during the assembly configuration phase. Second, it commandLine

takes a list of command line arguments, not a single line.

It is almost always better to use the problem type than the corresponding method, so this becomes:

task deploy(type: Exec) {
    dependsOn jar
    commandLine "javafxpackager", "-deploy",  "-native", ...


To see how to set up a specific task (type) install the Gradle Build Language Link .



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