When to use Hashie :: Mash?

Working on extracting some products from this JSON API and I was wondering - do I really need to Hashie::Mash


Live app: http://runnable.com/U-QJCIFvY2RGWL9B/pretty-json-keys



response = prettify(JSON.parse(@json_text))
mashie = Hashie::Mash.new(response)

@products = []
mashie.products.each do |product|
  product.extend Hashie::Extensions::DeepFetch

  product.price = product.deep_fetch :sale_price

  @products << product


I've tried this:

response = prettify(JSON.parse(@json_text)['products'])

@products = []
response.each do |product|
  product.extend Hashie::Extensions::DeepFetch

  product.price = product.deep_fetch :sale_price

  @products << product


but returns:

Hashie::Extensions::DeepFetch::UndefinedPathError in MainController#index
Could not fetch path (sale_price) at sale_price



source to share

1 answer

You probably want to do something like this:

mashie.products.each do |product|
  product.extend Hashie::Extensions::DeepFetch

  product.price = product.deep_fetch(:sale_price) { 'Not Found' }
  # Returns 'Not Found' if it does not find the key sale_price. It can be anything, like nil, 0, 'Not Found'

  @products << product




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