..site here...

Skrollr Mobile, Overflow Hidden;

I have read the documentation on skrollr. My site is wrapped in

<div id="skrollr-body">
..site here...


And all of my fixed elements are located below that, outside of those tags.

On my regular desktop, this works great, but when I test it on a mobile device, I see skrollr adding a: hidden; both the body body and the html tag.

if i add

html {
overflow:scroll !important;


I can scroll on cell phone but all scrollr functions break.

Why are these css rules being added to my elements and what do I need to do (besides what I already did) to make the page scroll on mobile and still keep the skrollr functionality.

enter image description here


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1 answer


body {
  height: 100% !important



#skrollr-body {
  min-height: 100%


Also, try removing any fixed element from # skrollr-body, such as the bootstrap navigation bar.



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