Big O remark for Ruby methods?

How can I find the complexity of a Ruby method?

For example length ? If I look at the source code, I see the following:

               static VALUE
rb_ary_length(VALUE ary)
    long len = RARRAY_LEN(ary);
    return LONG2NUM(len);


But I don't know how to read it to find Big O notation.


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3 answers

There is no list of the theoretical complexities of Ruby methods. You are interested in minitest/benchmark

which is used like this:

require 'minitest/autorun'
require 'minitest/benchmark'

class TestFoobar < Minitest::Benchmark
  def setup
    @foo_arrays = ( 1 .. 10_000 ).map { |n| [ 42 ] * n }
    # Because default benchmarking range is [1, 10, 100, 1_000, 10_000]

  def bench_foo_size
    assert_performance_constant 0.99 do |n| @foo_arrays[ n ].size end


If you do the above test, you can see that the performance of the method is Array#size

constant. If you change #bench_foo_size


def bench_foo_size
  assert_performance_linear 0.99 do |n| @foo_arrays[ n ].size end


The test will indeed fail because it is Array#size

not linear but sublinear. minitest/benchmark

is flexible and you can apply it to your own code as well as embedded resources.



You cannot get the relevant information. You must research the source RARRAY_LEN



An easy way to estimate the complexity of a method is to run tests with arguments that vary in size of interest, and plot it on a graph.



It's easy O(1)

for the method length

. The length of the array is stored in a variable and can be returned without further calculations.

How to find out? Reading the source code and analyzing the implementation and algorithms.



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