How do I use paging in the Facebook iOS Graph API?

I am going to get user groups for an application. I am currently in a group of 10,000 members and this is not uncommon. I want to post all my queries to user groups. I am currently using

  [FBRequestConnection startWithGraphPath:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"/%@/members?limit=10", @123456789]
                          completionHandler:^(FBRequestConnection *connection, id result, NSError *error
                                              ) {
                                 // set my "next" url here


Which works exactly as we would like. I get the number x of groups and I get my "next" url.

The problem is that the "next" url already has " " in front of the url. The current request I am using already has this URL snippet for me. [FBRequestConnection startWithGraphPath:...

... Parsing the URL itself looks like a flaking operation, as the version can change and the group ID will be dynamic. I would like to use one [FBRequestConnection

and reuse this callback to be passed for this method.

Is there a way to get what I would like from this? Thank!!


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