Is there an easy way to get the most popular SoundCloud tracks at the moment?

I want the "most popular" or "hottest" tracks from SoundCloud, but I can't find a way to do it. I can get the newest tracks from


because the "hottest" order type no longer exists.
I want exactly the same songs as listet on


and then select "Trending Music". Is there a way to do this or not?

I thought about getting ~ 1000 songs than sorting the most popular and most favorite songs and only displaying them, but I think this is not the optimal solution.


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1 answer

Why not try HTML parsing? You can get the whole page with a simple query, and then parse their (very nice and neat) source code to get what you want.

There might be a better solution with their API, but it seems very simple to me. Of course your parsing might be broken if they decide to completely change this page layout.

On this page , they say that you can do it with another API call.



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