SQL Query (sort street address)

I have a list of addresses that I want to sort in the following order:

  • Street 1
  • Street 27 A
  • Street 27 F
  • Street 30 D
  • Street 31 D
  • Street 205
  • Street 207 B

When I do a simple street order by

, I get:

Street 1, Street 205, Street 207 B, Street 27 A, Street 27 F, Street 30 D, Street 30 D 


and that's not what I want.

I can't find a good example here here , but it's the other way around.


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4 answers

ORDER_BY your_Order * 1 ASC


converts it to a number as it appears to be text.

Check the table definition and change it. You can change data type to int like this

ALTER TABLE your_Table MODIFY COLUMN registration_no int;




If all columns start with one word (for example 'Street'

) followed by a space and a number, you can do:

order by substring_index(streetaddress, ' ', 2) + 0


This converts the second "word" in the address into a number that is used for sorting.

If your actual data differs from the example data, I would suggest that you ask another question with relevant examples of how your data really looks.



Note that you have ordered your address table in two columns road

and house_number

(the last one is padded), the following query (PostgreSQL) does the trick (addresses for a particular road "Road"):

SELECT road, house_number from address_table
WHERE road = 'The Road'
ORDER BY CAST(regexp_replace(house_number, '[[:alpha:]]', '') AS INTEGER),
         regexp_replace(house_number, '[[:digit:]]', '')


There seem to be approaches to replacing regex with MySQL: How to replace regex in MySQL?



try it

With addresses like

CASE WHEN ISNUMERIC(SUBSTRING(LTRIM(Address1), 1, 1)) = 1 THEN 'yes' ELSE 'no' END AS StartsWithNumber,
CASE WHEN ISNUMERIC(SUBSTRING(LTRIM(Address1), 1, 1)) = 1 THEN SUBSTRING(Address1, 1, CHARINDEX(' ', Address1)) END AS housenumber
FROM youttable )


Select Address1 from addresses

order by StartsWithNumber asc, housenumber, Address1



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