Get average per day / hour without group

In one table, let's say I have a log of mileage and timestamps. I want to get the average mileage per day and hour. I cannot use the inherent "Group By" clause because of the date format.

Here are some sample data:

  Table: tb_mileage
  f_mileagetimestamp           f_mileage
  2014-08-11 11:13:02.000      50                       
  2014-08-11 16:12:55.000      100      
  2014-08-11 16:55:00.000      30                
  2014-08-12 11:12:50.000      80                       
  2014-08-12 16:12:49.000      100                      
  2014-08-13 08:12:46.000      40                       
  2014-08-13 08:45:31.000      100                      


So the ideal result set would look like this ( PER DAY ) (note the date format doesn't matter):

  Date                 Average
  08/11/2014           60
  08/12/2014           90
  08/13/2014           70


An ideal result set would look like this ( PER HOUR ) (note the date format does not matter):

  Date                     Average
  08/11/2014 11:00:00      50
  08/11/2014 16:00:00      65
  08/12/2014 11:00:00      80
  08/12/2014 16:00:00      100
  08/13/2014 08:00:00      70


Note that the example here is purely theoretical and oversimplified and does not necessarily reflect the exact criteria required for real-world implementation. It's easy to push my own learning, because all the examples I found for things like this were extremely complex, making learning difficult.


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2 answers

Try this for the dates version.

select cast(t.f_mileagetimestamp as date) as dt, avg(t.f_mileage) as avg_mileage
tb_mileage t
group by cast(t.f_mileagetimestamp as date)
order by cast(t.f_mileagetimestamp as date) asc;


For the watch version, you can use this.

select t2.dt, avg(t2.f_mileage) as avg_mileage
    select substring(CONVERT(nvarchar(100), t1.f_mileagetimestamp, 121), 1, 13) + ':00' as dt, t1.f_mileage 
    tb_mileage t1
) t2
group by t2.dt
order by t2.dt asc;




I think this should work for the "day" version:

select cast(f_mileagetimestamp as date), avg(f_mileage)
from tb_mileage
group by cast(f_mileagetimestamp as date)
order by cast(f_mileagetimestamp as date);


For an hour, I would just use the function:

select cast(f_mileagetimestamp as date), datepart(hour, f_mileagetimestamp), avg(f_mileage)
from tb_mileage
group by cast(f_mileagetimestamp as date), datepart(hour, f_mileagetimestamp)
order by cast(f_mileagetimestamp as date), datepart(hour, f_mileagetimestamp);




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