Loading Win32 resource file in wstringstream format

This is a continuation of the question asked and the answer to here . I want to use a text file as a resource and then load it like stringstream

so I can parse it.

The following code shows what I have:

std::string filename("resource.txt");
HRSRC hrsrc = FindResource(GetModuleHandle(NULL), filename.c_str(), RT_RCDATA);
HGLOBAL res = LoadResource(GetModuleHandle(NULL), hrsrc);
LPBYTE data = (LPBYTE)LockResource(res);
std::stringstream stream((LPSTR)data);


However, I'm not sure how to expand this to read a unicode text file using wstringstream

. A naive approach gives unreadable characters:

LPBYTE data = (LPBYTE)LockResource(res);
std::wstringstream wstream((LPWSTR)data);



- is nothing more than a CHAR*

, it should come as no surprise that this won't work, but the naive conversion of the resource to WCHAR*


) doesn't work either:

LPWSTR data = (LPWSTR)LockResource(res);
std::wstringstream wstream(data);


I assume this is because it WCHAR

is 16-bit instead of 8-bit like CHAR

, but I'm not sure how to get around this.

Thanks for any help!

c ++ visual-c ++ visual-studio resources winapi

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1 answer

Your comment will share the missing key. The file you compiled into a resource is encoded as UTF-8

. So the obvious options are:

  • Using the code in your question, get a pointer to a resource encoded as UTF-8 and pass this one MultiByteToWideChar

    for conversion to UTF-16. Then you can enter wstring

  • Convert the file you are compiling to a resource to UTF-16 before compiling the resource. Then the code in your question will work.

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