Why isn't gulp filter filtering fewer files in my bower packages

I am trying to get all files in my bower components using the main bower files and filtering them by type using gulp-filter . it works great when i filter js files like this:

gulp.task('bower_js', function() {
  var jsFilter = gulpFilter('**/*.js');
  gulp.src(mainBowerFiles(), {base: './bower_components'})


however doing a similar task for a smaller amount doesn't work (i.e. nothing goes through the filter):

gulp.task('bower_css', function() {
  var lessFilter = gulpFilter('**/*.less');
  gulp.src(mainBowerFiles(), {base: './bower_components'})    
     // .pipe(less()) commented to narrow down the problem


although if I run mainBowerFiles without filter, it dumps the contents of the .less

files to the destination folder.

to give a concrete example .. this is the relevant part of bower.json

one of my bower: bootstrap packages:

  "main": [



in turn imports other files:

// Core variables and mixins
@import "variables.less";
@import "mixins.less";

// Reset and dependencies
@import "normalize.less";
@import "print.less";



any ideas?


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2 answers

I've tried to get something similar to SASS working with no luck. That is, until I discovered that there is now a built-in filter in the main-bower files . This is a regular expression. Try something like this instead of using gulp-filter:

gulp.task('bower_css', function() {
  var lessRegEx = (/.*\.less$/i);
  gulp.src(mainBowerFiles({filter: lessRegEx}), {base: './bower_components'})    
     // .pipe(less()) commented to narrow down the problem




Experienced fonts folder issue, strange combo for main-bower files (2.11.0) and gulp-filter (v3.0.1). Issue # 53 in gulp-filter looks similar, seams solution is basedir option.

main-bower-files + gulp-filter = doesn't work



main-bower-files + basedir + gulp -filter = working

gulp.src(mainBowerFiles(), {base: './'})


main-bower files with filter = worker



simple gulp.src + gulp -filter = working





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