Find a string in a sorted array of strings that have some NULL strings, and

The array of strings is specified in sorted order, but there can be any number of null strings between them. I need to find a string in this array of strings. If the string is found, return its index, otherwise return -1. In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. โ€

I wrote the code below using strcmp () which works for a string array without a NULL string. How do I extend it to work with arrays with null strings.


int search(char *arr[], char *strtofind, int l, int r)
    int mid , val;
    if(l <= r)
        mid = (l+r)/2;
        val = strcmp(strtofind, arr[mid]);
        if(val == 0)
            return mid;
        else if(val > 0)
            return search(arr, strtofind,mid+1,r);
            return search(arr, strtofind, l, mid-1);
    return -1;

int main(int argc, char** argv) 

    int idx;
    //char *arr[] = {"STR1", "STR2","STR3","STR4","STR5","STR6","STR7"}; // WORKS HERE
    char *arr[] = {"STR1", "STR2","STR3",NULL,"STR4",NULL,"STR5"};  // NOT WORKS HERE

    idx = search(arr, "STR4", 0, 6);
    printf("Found at = %d\n", idx);

    printf("Will is Everything.");
    return (EXIT_SUCCESS);



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3 answers

Change the comparison code. A NULL

in arr[mid]

is essentially a "skip" of this element, so the comparison requires a linear search for the next or previous element.

To protect against worse conditions that really mess up your code, make sure that a subsequent search for the two halves of the list does not rescan the group of elements NULL

around mid

. Keep an eye NULL

on both ends of the list.

Worst case O(n*n)

that comes with a lot NULL

. Otherwise, performance O(n*ln2(n))

can be expected if NULL


Also, there is no need for a recursive call. See Comments

int search(const char *arr[], const char *strtofind, int l, int r)
  while (l <= r) {
    int mid = (l+r)/2;
    int right_min = mid + 1;
    while (arr[mid] == NULL) {
      // If entire left side and mid are NULL ...
      if (mid == 0) {
        return search(arr, strtofind, right_min, r);
        // or { l = right_min; continue; }
    int cmp = strcmp(strtofind, arr[mid]);
    if (cmp == 0) {
      return mid;
    if(val > 0) {
      return search(arr, strtofind, right_min, r);
      // or { l = right_min; continue; }
    int left_max = mid - 1;
    return search(arr, strtofind, l, left_max);
    // or { r = left_max; }
  return -1;


Suggest: use const


An effective method exists when arr[]

everyone NULL

is on the same end.O(n*ln2(n))



Something like this will skip zeros. It resorts to linear search when it reaches zeros, but I can't think of a better way to do this.


int search(char arr[][20], char *strtofind, int l, int r)
    int mid , val, down = 1, start;
    if(l <= r)
        mid = (l+r)/2;
        start = mid;
        while(0 == arr[mid])
                if(mid >= l)
                    down = 0;
                    mid = start;
                if(mid <= r)
                    return -1;
        val = strcmp(strtofind, arr[mid]);
        if(val == 0)
            return mid;
        else if(val > 0)
            return search(arr, strtofind,mid+1,r);
            return search(arr, strtofind, l, mid-1);
    return -1;

int main(int argc, char** argv)

    int idx;
    char arr[][20] = {"STR1", "STR2","STR3","STR4"};

    int num = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
    idx = search(arr, "STR2", 0, num-1);
    if(-1 != idx)
        printf("Found at = %d\n", idx);
        printf("Not found");
    return (EXIT_SUCCESS);




When you do strcmp () check for NULL. If after that NULL goes to this_index-1. It will work.



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