Selenium: NoSuchElementException in Internet Explorer

I am trying to pipe Selenium script for internal Webapp from Selenium IDE to Selenium Grid using RemoteWebDrivers in Java.

The scripts work fine with Chrome and Firefox, but not Internet Explorer. Every time I try to find an element on the page, I only get a NoSuchElementException (the page itself loads just fine).

Sample code that demonstrates the same behavior using the Wikipedia page:

public class Wikipedia_test_IE {
 private WebDriver driver = null;
 private String baseUrl = null;
 private boolean acceptNextAlert = true;
 private StringBuffer verificationErrors = new StringBuffer();

 public void setUp() throws Exception {
//      DesiredCapabilities cap = DesiredCapabilities.firefox();
 DesiredCapabilities cap = DesiredCapabilities.internetExplorer();
 cap.setCapability(CapabilityType.VERSION, "9");

        driver = new RemoteWebDriver (new URL(""), cap);    
        baseUrl = "";
        driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

 public void testAKTargobankTestfall1KN() throws Exception {
      driver.findElement(By.linkText("space probe")).submit();


I've tried using findElement (By.Id) and findElement (By.cssSelector) - no effect. Enabling a delay between pageload and selection also has no effect, nor does it use click instead of submit.

I've enabled IE driver debug logging, but Output doesn't help me figure out what the problem is - hopefully someone else can. Command: POST /session {"desiredCapabilities":{"platform":"WINDOWS","ensureCleanSession":true,"browserName":"internet explorer","version":"9"}}
IESession.cpp(43) Mutex acquired for session initalization
IESession.cpp(105) Releasing session initialization mutex Raw JSON command: { "command" : "newSession", "locator" : { }, "parameters" : {"desiredCapabilities":{"platform":"WINDOWS","ensureCleanSession":true,"browserName":"internet explorer","version":"9"}} }
BrowserFactory.cpp(68) Ignoring Protected Mode Settings: 0
BrowserFactory.cpp(71) Checking validity of Protected Mode settings.
BrowserFactory.cpp(984) Detected IE version: 9, detected Windows version: 6
BrowserFactory.cpp(1074) Found Protected Mode setting value of 0 for zone 1
BrowserFactory.cpp(1074) Found Protected Mode setting value of 0 for zone 2
BrowserFactory.cpp(1074) Found Protected Mode setting value of 0 for zone 3
BrowserFactory.cpp(1074) Found Protected Mode setting value of 0 for zone 4
BrowserFactory.cpp(74) Has Valid Protected Mode Settings: 1
BrowserFactory.cpp(170) Starting IE using the IELaunchURL API
BrowserFactory.cpp(124) IE launched successfully with process ID 2188
BrowserFactory.cpp(130) Process with ID 2188 is executing iexplore.exe
BrowserFactory.cpp(313) Ignoring zoom setting: 0
BrowserFactory.cpp(581) Browser zoom level is 100%
IECommandExecutor.cpp(650) Persistent hovering set to: 1
ProxyManager.cpp(118) Using existing system proxy settings. Response: {"sessionId":"4aba017b-91e9-4f48-9f9f-f38b0464bb6b","status":303,"value":"/session/4aba017b-91e9-4f48-9f9f-f38b0464bb6b"} Command: GET /session/4aba017b-91e9-4f48-9f9f-f38b0464bb6b {} Raw JSON command: { "command" : "getSessionCapabilities", "locator" : { "sessionid" : "4aba017b-91e9-4f48-9f9f-f38b0464bb6b" }, "parameters" : {} }
IECommandExecutor.cpp(544) No alert handle is found Response: {"sessionId":"4aba017b-91e9-4f48-9f9f-f38b0464bb6b","status":0,"value":{"browserAttachTimeout":0,"browserName":"internet explorer","cssSelectorsEnabled":true,"elementScrollBehavior":0,"enableElementCacheCleanup":true,"enablePersistentHover":true,"handlesAlerts":true,"ie.browserCommandLineSwitches":"","ie.ensureCleanSession":false,"ie.forceCreateProcessApi":false,"ie.usePerProcessProxy":false,"ignoreProtectedModeSettings":false,"ignoreZoomSetting":false,"initialBrowserUrl":"http://localhost:15278/","javascriptEnabled":true,"nativeEvents":true,"platform":"WINDOWS","requireWindowFocus":false,"takesScreenshot":true,"unexpectedAlertBehaviour":"dismiss","version":"9"}} Command: POST /session/4aba017b-91e9-4f48-9f9f-f38b0464bb6b/timeouts/implicit_wait {"ms":30000} Raw JSON command: { "command" : "implicitlyWait", "locator" : { "sessionid" : "4aba017b-91e9-4f48-9f9f-f38b0464bb6b" }, "parameters" : {"ms":30000} }
IECommandExecutor.cpp(544) No alert handle is found Response: {"sessionId":"4aba017b-91e9-4f48-9f9f-f38b0464bb6b","status":0,"value":null} Command: POST /session/4aba017b-91e9-4f48-9f9f-f38b0464bb6b/url {"url":""} Raw JSON command: { "command" : "get", "locator" : { "sessionid" : "4aba017b-91e9-4f48-9f9f-f38b0464bb6b" }, "parameters" : {"url":""} }
IECommandExecutor.cpp(544) No alert handle is found
Browser.cpp(421) Navigate Events Completed.
Browser.cpp(452) Browser ReadyState is not '4', indicating 'Complete'; it was 1
Browser.cpp(421) Navigate Events Completed.
Browser.cpp(437) Browser busy property is true.


(The last two lines are repeated several times)

ElementRepository.cpp(107) Refreshing managed element cache. Found 0 to remove from cache.
Browser.cpp(421) Navigate Events Completed.
Browser.cpp(476) Waiting for document to complete...
Browser.cpp(481) Not in navigating state Response: {"sessionId":"4aba017b-91e9-4f48-9f9f-f38b0464bb6b","status":0,"value":null} Command: POST /session/4aba017b-91e9-4f48-9f9f-f38b0464bb6b/element {"using":"link text","value":"space probe"} Raw JSON command: { "command" : "findElement", "locator" : { "sessionid" : "4aba017b-91e9-4f48-9f9f-f38b0464bb6b" }, "parameters" : {"using":"link text","value":"space probe"} }
IECommandExecutor.cpp(544) No alert handle is found
ElementFinder.cpp(49) Using FindElement atom to locate element having linkText = space probe
Browser.cpp(114) No child frame focus. Focus is on top-level frame
Script.cpp(485) -2147024891 [Zugriff verweigert]: Unable to execute code, call to IHTMLWindow2::execScript failed
Script.cpp(171) Cannot create anonymous function
ElementFinder.cpp(84) Unexpected error attempting to find element by mechanism linkText with criteria space probe


Any ideas?


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5 answers

Thanks for the help. To answer some of the Questions noted above that I should have included in the original post:

-Yes, this is really IE 9 - I have already enabled protected mode in all security zones -including click instead of submit did not change (originally)

It just so happened that the virtual machine running the Selenium node was applying security updates overnight, and that included one for IE.

At first I got a different error message than before - IE was unable to find an open browser window, and the windows were not closed either. All security settings have been updated to reset.

After re-enabling protected mode, everything works. As Richard noticed what I did , the find element needs to be changed to .click () instead of .submit ().

So now everything is working and I have no idea why. Thanks again!



You should probably be using click()

, not submit()


driver.findElement(By.linkText("space probe")).click();




I also had an error in tests that worked fine on FF, but not on IE.

I can offer you:

  • Check IE Protected Mode settings.
  • To disable native events in IE driver.
  • Use JavaScript in these specific cases (worst in my point of view).

This is a known issue with the IE driver. -ie-driver.html



Try using InternetExplorerDriver

instead RemoteWebDriver

, generally it shouldn't matter, but with IE everything is possible .- <- p>

I'm having similar problems and I get the following code that works for me:

public void setUp() {
   //... some irrelevant Code ... 

   System.setProperty("", "Path to IEDriver.exe");
   InternetExplorerDriver driver = new InternetExplorerDriver();

   //... some irrelevant Code ...




You can write your code like this:

while(true) {
    try {
        driver.findElement(By.linkText("space probe")).submit();
    } catch (Exception e) {


I am writing my code so that the thread runs until it succeeds. When used, the implicitlyWait

browser will only wait for the maximum of this time. But it may happen that the browser page has finished loading, but the desired part is loaded by the ajax call. In this case, your program throws an error.



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