Step through a very large directory tree with find

Is find

bash lazy?

I am trying to go through a directory tree to get all files *.jpg

that have at least 700k files in a 3 level directory tree using the following script:

for im in $(find $1 -name '*.jpg');
    echo im;

    # Do something with im... 


but it echo

takes a long time to print anything from and I'm sure the script works (I tested it with 50k files with 3 levels of directory tree and takes less time, but it prints everything in the end).

Maybe there is a lazy version of find or something I could use to show those echo

while the script is running.


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1 answer


will highlight all output at find

once. Use a while read

process replace loop (recommended with bash) or pipe instead :

while IFS= read -r im; do
done < <(exec find "$1" -name '*.jpg')



- my style is optional. Since we only run one command inside the subshell caused by the process swap, the other fork may not be needed.


find "$1" -name '*.jpg' | while IFS= read -r im; do
    # Unfortunately anything that happens here is already inside
    # a subshell so any variable changes would not affect the
    # parent shell.


If you have incorrect filenames, such as filenames that have a newline, use \x00

as delimiter:

while IFS= read -r -d '' im; do
done < <(exec find "$1" -name '*.jpg' -print0)


If one of your commands inside the loop reads input, a different file descriptor will need to be used to prevent these commands from reading input from find


while IFS= read -ru 4 -d '' im; do
done 4< <(exec find "$1" -name '*.jpg' -print0)




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