Accessing local storage from ejs template

I am trying to store some data sent by the server into an EJS template in localStorage on the client side. However, when I try to access localStorage in the template, I get localStorage undefined.

Here is a portion of my page.ejs:

<% localStorage.setItem('info', JSON.stringify({'user': user})) %>


where user is the value retrieved from the server.

Is it possible?


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1 answer

There are several options depending on what you want to do. I came across this post to do something a little different, but here's one way:

After the template renders and passes the data user

, add a script tag to change localStorage


<!-- example.ejs --> 

<!-- check for user on page load --> 
<% if (typeof user != "undefined") { %>
  <!-- make user available to script tag -->
  <% var user = user %>

  <!-- use script tag to access ejs data and local storage -->
    let user = <%- JSON.stringify(user) %>;
    localStorage.setItem('info', JSON.stringify({'user': user}));
<% } %>




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