MySQL / PHP Insert the same row twice
Please, help. I believe I have a reasonable understanding of MySql and PHP, but for the life of me I can't figure out why this code is inserting the same line twice. I've literally stripped it down to the following code:
$query = "INSERT INTO `cs_social_alerts` (email) VALUES ('')";
The MySQL table it inserted has 10 columns, but even with all of them mentioned in the query, it still inserts " " on two rows with separate primary keys.
I created a new Wordpress page to run it as all other pages work fine without duplication.
I did some Googling which didn't find any help whatsoever. Is there anyway I can check where the second request is coming from? I've starred in this code for about an hour and don't see any problems with it.
Any ideas / help appreciated A LOT!
----- EDIT -----
So here is the debug debug output, the code that runs is literally 2 lines above - I closed the domain for security. Can anyone see any interference? I'm not a PHP expert and with all the unnecessary Wordpress stuff, I'm not sure what! Thanks guys
0 eval () called at [/var/sites/c/****.com/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-exec-php/wp-exec-php.php:652]
1 WP_exec_PHP-> exec (
$ myQuery = "INSERT INTO cs_social_alerts
(email) VALUES (' ')";
mysql_query ($ myQuery);
debug_print_backtrace ()
? >
) called in [/ var / sites / c / ****. com / public_html / wp-content / plugins / wp-exec-php / wp-exec-php.php: 692]
2 WP_exec_PHP → _ exec_post (
$ myQuery = "INSERT INTO cs_social_alerts
(email) VALUES (' ')";
mysql_query ($ myQuery);
debug_print_backtrace ()
? >
3 call_user_func_array (Array ([0] => WP_exec_PHP object ([] => Array (), [] => / var / sites / c / * .com / public_html / wp- content / plugins / wp-exec-php / wp-exec-php.php), [1] => _exec_post), Array ([0] =>
$ myQuery = "INSERT INTO cs_social_alerts
(email) VALUES (' ')";
mysql_query ($ myQuery);
debug_print_backtrace ()
? >
)) called in [/ var / sites / c / * .com / public_html / wp-includes / plugin.php: 192]
4 apply_filters (the_content,
$ myQuery = "INSERT INTO cs_social_alerts
(email) VALUES (' ')";
mysql_query ($ myQuery);
debug_print_backtrace ()
? >
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Try PHP Data Object ( PDO ). The use of mysql_ * functions is deprecated.
These variable initializations must be defined in the ini file that you use php_parse_ini () to retrieve the data.
$host = "host=localhost";
$name = ";dbname=name_of_db";
$user = "user";
$pass = "pass";
$conn = new PDO("mysqli:".$host.$name,$user,$pass);
$stmt = $conn->prepare("INSERT INTO `cs_social_alerts` (email) VALUES (:email)");
$stmt->bindParam(':email', $email);
Also, if you want to know if this code runs more than once. Try setting the $ _SESSION variable. I.E. $ _SESSION ['count'] = 0; Then just before execute () put $ _SESSION ['count'] ++; Finally, print the $ _SESSION value at the end of the code to determine what that value is.
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Have you tried another browser? I was in a lot of trouble because some of the extensions I had in my browser were requesting the page again.
Even if this is not your problem, I think you should check external factors as this code cannot insert two lines. Unless, of course, it gets called twice.
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