Create a li context menu with Bootstrap

I found a way to make a cool context menu on this question . I am trying to add this functionality to a dynamic li that I have created. Unfortunately this doesn't work.

This is the code to launch the context menu. It works great for normal li.

$("#myTab li").contextMenu({
    menuSelector: "#contextMenu",
    menuSelected: function (invokedOn, selectedMenu) {
        var msg = "You selected the menu item '";



But when I tried to click dynamically, the newly created one doesn't work. I thought this would work, but it looks like I am wrong. I have this demo showing how it should work: How to use event delegation for these cases? Thanks to

$(document).on('contextMenu','"#myTab li',function(event){
  menuSelector: "#contextMenu",
    menuSelected: function (invokedOn, selectedMenu) {
        var msg = "You selected the menu item '";



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