How can I create a generic binary search tree in Scala?

I am new to Scala. I am trying to develop my own immutable binary search tree.

First, I have developed a binary search tree that occupies Int

on its nodes. After that, I decided to develop a generic binary search tree.

When I compiled these codes, I took this error message from the terminal.

trait GenericBST[+T] {

    def add[TT >: T](x: T): GenericBST[TT] = this match {
        case Empty => Branch(x, Empty, Empty)
        case Branch(d, l, r) => 
          if(d > x) Branch(d, l.add(x), r) 
          else if(d < x) Branch(d, l, r.add(x)) 
          else this   

case class Branch[+T](x: T, left: GenericBST[T], right: GenericBST[T]) extends GenericBST[T]
case object Empty extends GenericBST[Nothing]


error: value <is not a member of type paramater T.

The error is reasonable, how can I fix it?

Don't forget that I'm new to Scala, so please explain this in detail for me.


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1 answer


represents any type, but to use it >

and <

you need a type for which the order makes sense.

In scala words, this means that you need to put a type boundary T

, limiting it to whatever it T

exists for Ordering[T]

. You can use a bound context or an implicit ord

type respectively Ordering[TT]


trait GenericBST[+A] {
  def add[B >: A](x: B)(implicit ord: Ordering[B]): GenericBST[B] = {
    import ord.mkOrderingOps
    this match {
      case Empty => Branch(x, Empty, Empty)
      case Branch(e, l, r) =>
        if (e > x) Branch(e, l.add(x), r)
        else if (e < x) Branch(e, l, r.add(x))
        else this

case class Branch[+A](x: A, left: GenericBST[A], right: GenericBST[A]) extends GenericBST[A]
case object Empty extends GenericBST[Nothing]


Import ord.mkOrderingOps

allows syntax

e > x


instead, x)


You can also use context binding directly, but getting the implicit ord

in scope (and possibly less readable) will take some extra work:

def add[B >: A : Ordering](x: B): GenericBST[B] = {
  val ord = implicitly[Ordering[B]]
  import ord.mkOrderingOps


Absolutely not relevant, but you might be wondering why I used A

and B

in my example, as opposed to T

and TT

. According to the official style guide :

Simple type parameters should use a single uppercase letter (from the English alphabet) starting with A

(this differs from the Java convention of starting with T




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