Multiple Condition Guards / Nested Fences

I am trying to create a mixin that evaluates parameter values ​​and parameter comparisons.

Let's say I have a mixin to create a CSS3 gradient with fallbacks for older browsers, but if no start and / or end color is entered, only the background color is output. In addition to validating that all colors are entered correctly, I want to make sure that neither the start nor the end color is equal to the second color.

This is how I would like to write it using standard logic, but I am not allowed to insert guards together.

.gradient(@color, @start: 0, @stop: 0) when (iscolor(@color)) and (iscolor(@start)) and (iscolor(@stop)) and not ((@start = @color) and (@stop = @color)) {
    background: @color;
    background: -webkit-gradient(linear,left bottom,left top,color-stop(0, @start),color-stop(1, @stop));

.gradient(@color, @start: 0, @stop: 0) when (default()) {
    background-color: @color;


In fact, I want to fulfill the following conditions Javascript is: if(iscolor(color) && iscolor(start) && iscolor(end) && (start !== color && end !== color))

. Does anyone know if this is possible?

Any ideas would be much appreciated.


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1 answer

Less guards should have the same implementation as CSS @media (maybe this only applies to the syntax ??). I can't find examples for @media that use the nesting type for the statements you are trying to use. So this is not possible for CSS @media, and thus Less guards?

But, at I found:

The not operator has very low precedence. For example, not evaluated last in the following query:

@media not all and (-moz-windows-compositor) { ... }

This means that the request is evaluated as follows:

@media not (all and (-moz-windows-compositor)) { ... }

... and not like this:

@media (not all) and (-moz-windows-compositor) { ... }

This should mean that you don't need to put extra parentheses in your conditions after the keyword not

. The following code should work:

.gradient(@color, @start: 0, @stop: 0) when (iscolor(@color)) and (iscolor(@start) and not @start = @color) and (@stop = @color)

but unfortunately it doesn't work as expected. If the precedence of the operator less than defenders must match the precedence of the CSS @media operator, this may be considered an error.

update . My guess was wrong, the keyword not

will only apply to the entire media query (or guard), so it not (a), not (b)

doesn't make any sense. Also see:

If all of the above is true, try returning the conditions: <Hump> .gradient (@color, @start: 0, @stop: 0) when (@start = @color) and (@stop = @color), not (iscolor ( @color)), not (iscolor (@start)), not (iscolor (@stop)) {background-color: @color; } Strike>

.gradient(@color, @start: 0, @stop: 0) 
when (@start = @color) and (@stop = @color), (iscolor(@color)=false), (iscolor(@start)=false), (iscolor(@stop)=false) {
    background-color: @color;

.gradient(@color, @start: 0, @stop: 0) when (default()) {
    background: @color;
    background: -webkit-gradient(linear,left bottom,left top,color-stop(0, @start),color-stop(1, @stop));


or try using nested mixins like this:

property: default;
property: fallback;

.background(@a,@b,@c) when (@a>0) and (@b>0) and (@c>0)
.and(@a,@b,@c) when (@a=@c) and (@b=@c) {
.and(@a,@b,@c) when (default()){
.background(@a,@b,@c) when (default())

test0 { .background(0,1,1); }
test1 { .background(1,1,1); }
test2 { .background(2,1,1); }
test3 { .background(1,2,1); }
test4 { .background(1,1,2); }




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