SqlGeography - getting polygons from polygons

I have a table Town

with a column TownBoundary

that contains the polygon of the corresponding city ( geography


For each city, I get the polygonal data that I need to generate KML (XML) files like:

sqlg = SqlGeography.STPolyFromText(new SqlChars(
for (int i = 1; i <= sqlg.STNumPoints(); i++)
    SqlGeography point = sqlg.STPointN(i);
    var pLong = (point.Long).ToString().Replace(",", ".");
    var pLat = (point.Lat).ToString().Replace(",", ".");
    double dLong = double.Parse(pLong, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
    double dLat = double.Parse(pLat, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
    kmlCoordinates.Add(new Vector(dLat, dLong)); //one point od polygon


Values town.TownBoundary.WellKnownValue.WellKnownText

start withPOLYGON(..

But recently I realized that some cities contain more polygons, and WellKnownText

starts with MULTIPOLYGON(..

, and the function STPolyFromText

ends with an error.

I have placed this in a block try{}

, but in catch{}

- if the value is multipolygon - is it possible to somehow get the individual polygons? I know there is a method STMPolyFromText

, but I cannot use individual polygons there, only points as in the method STPolyFromText


My goal is to split the polygon into polygons rather than polygon by doing the same method as above.


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1 answer

Solved it, in the method STMPolyFromText

I can get the polygon array using STNumGeometries


sqlg = SqlGeography.STMPolyFromText(
new SqlChars(town.TownBoundary.WellKnownValue.WellKnownText),
for (int i = 1; i <= sqlg.STNumGeometries(); i++)
 SqlGeography poly = sqlg.STGeometryN(i);
 //foreach poly




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