Jpa 2.0 - EntityManager.find (SomeEntity.class, PK) need to fill Discriminator value with key

I have a problem, I have two Job and JobPK objects

Job class looks like this sample code :


public abstract class Job implements Serializable {
private BigDecimal folderId;

@ColumnDefinition(position = 1)
private String name;

private String jobType;


and JobPk:

public class JobPK implements Serializable {    

private static final long serialVersionUID = -3266336718203527905L;

private String jobType;

private String name;

private BigDecimal folderId;


I have two classes that extend Job: CalculatingJob and ImportingJob Now I will not use:

getEntityManager().find(CalculatingJob.class, new JobPK    (BigDecimal.valueOf(folderId),name))


and I have a problem because I have to fill in the JobPK parameter value field. If I don't, I have a Null Pointer exception. The default Discriminator value is key, I think, but I don't want the delimiter value information to be called during JobPk creation. I thought that an Entity that extends from Job would auto-populate this field. Any idea to work around this issue, maybe I can get Annotation @DescriminatorVale from CalculateJob and then put into JobPk constructor

thanks for the help


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1 answer

Try this configuration for hierarchy structure

@Table(name = "JOB")
@DiscriminatorColumn(name = "JOB_TYPE", discriminatorType = DiscriminatorType.STRING)
public abstract class Job implements {


public class CalculatingJob extends Job {


public class ImportingJob extends Job {


public class JobPK implements Serializable {    



The discriminator value is entered by sleep mode.



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