Is there a hotkey for selecting all the text I have typed in a unix command?
In some shell, such as the terminal on Mac OS X, I want to select all the text that I have entered on the command line. For example, I typed this on the command line and haven't hit enter yet. I want to do everything (like ctrl A or apple A) so that I can cut or copy this command (ctrl X / C or apple X / C).
$ grep -r "test" .
Is there a way to do this without using the mouse and actually selecting the entire command? It would make life easier when I need to copy a unix command to send to someone else.
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This is how it works on my OSX laptop.
bash$ echo "this is a command I haven't run yet" # press Ctrl-u here
bash$ # blank line
bash$ pbcopy <<< # now I press Ctrl-y
bash$ pbcopy <<< echo "this is a command I haven't run yet" # press Enter
From here the command is on the clipboard and I didn't use a mouse or set any keyboard shortcuts. This will work with standard bash, so you don't need to configure MacPorts.
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I don't believe there is a terminal shortcut to select all text. One alternative might be to use the pbcopy command to copy the last command to the system board.
fc -ln -1 | pbcopy
Then you can use Command-V to paste somewhere else on your computer. It's probably not faster than using a mouse, but if you have to do it a lot, you can create an alias.
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Not with OS X by default bash. (It's just 3.2).
But if you install bash 4.0+ (I recommend using MacPorts ) you can use the following function:
-x keyseq: command shell
Call a shell command that will be executed whenever keyseq is entered. When a command shell is executed, the shell sets the READLINE_LINE variable to the contents of the Readline line buffer and the READLINE_POINT variable to the current insertion location point. If the executable command changes the READLINE_LINE or READLINE_POINT value, these new values will be reflected in the edit state.
So, you can bind the sequence CTRL- X c(press CTRL-X followed by a simple "c") to pbcopy
with the following command bind
bind -x '"\C-xc":pbcopy <<<"$READLINE_LINE"'
Now everything that you entered into bash, after pressing "CTRL-X c" will be copied to the clipboard.
If you are not like the sequence, you can also set sequince in -> Preferences -> Settings -> Keyboard like in the following screeenshot
where I have bound "CTRL-X c" \030c
to CTRL- ALT- LEFT_ARROWso now I have both bindings.
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You can use a history file for this. Make your bash write all commands to the history file at once, as described here
Then make a key binding to run the script tail ~/.bash_history -n 1 | pbcopy
. Or you can integrate this script directly into the PROMPT_COMMAND variable as described in the link.
Not tested:
PROMPT_COMMAND="history -a; history -c; history -r; tail ~/.bash_history -n 1 | pbcopy; $PROMPT_COMMAND"
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