Using both @DataProvider and @Parameters

I would like to know if there is a way to use both @DataProvider

and Paramaters

to pass parameters.

I tried two options, but both failed:

@Test(dataProvider="dpCGA", groups={"CGA"})
public void createAccount(String brand) {


In the above example, the data provider is overwritten with a variable.

@Test(dataProvider="dpCGA", groups={"CGA"})
public void createAccount(String brand, String email) {


The test drive didn't even start.

I am using TestNG to run my test cases and want to grab a brand parameter from an XML file.

Also, I have an Excel file that I am using to store my email and I want to get these values ​​using @DataProvider


Can both of these tags be used together? If not, is there any other way to grab the brand parameter from the XML file?

Thank you in advance


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3 answers

@DataProvider is one way to pass parameters to a method. You cannot use both methods for the same method.

Looking at your question, you can simply add the brand to the DataProvider method, for example

  public Object[][] data() {

    return new Object[][] { 
        {"brand", "email1"}, 
        {"brand", "email2"}


and pass it to the method,

@Test(dataProvider="dpCGA", groups={"CGA"})
public void createAccount(String brand, String email) {




You cannot use @DataProvider and @Parameters at the same time. Pass all parameters via @DataProvider.



As already noted, DataProvider

it is not possible to get results together with the set parameters. This answer confirms this by stepping through the code:

While it DataProvider

can get the context using ITestContext

, it only makes the parameters available in the set (XML) not set using system properties.



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