How to access Spree link_to_cart function from main rails app
I am creating a surplus store in a Rails application and I need to access link_to_cart
outside of the Spree engine.
can be found here: spree/core/app/helpers/spree/base_helper.rb
Since I changed the style in link_to_cart
, I also created:
module Spree
module BaseHelper
def link_to_cart(text = nil)
text = text ? h(text) : Spree.t('cart')
css_class = nil
if simple_current_order.nil? or
text = "#{text}: (#{Spree.t('empty')})"
css_class = 'empty'
text = "<i class='fa fa-shopping-cart'></i> #{text}: (#{simple_current_order.item_count}) <span class='amount'>#{simple_current_order.display_total.to_html}</span>".html_safe
css_class = 'full'
link_to text.html_safe, spree.cart_path, :class => "cart-info #{css_class} btn btn-small btn-success pull-right", style: "margin-left:10px;"
I've tried doing things like Spree :: BaseHelper.link_to_cart outside of the engine, but I keep getting undefined local variable or method 'link_to_cart'
I found this on a StackOverflow question and it seems promising, but I'm not sure how to change it for my needs:
module MyEngine
class Engine < Rails::Engine
initializer 'my_engine.action_controller' do |app|
ActiveSupport.on_load :action_controller do
helper MyEngine::ImportantHelper
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Okay, thanks Ben for getting me on the right track. Here is my solution:
# class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
include Spree::Core::ControllerHelpers::Order
include Spree::Core::ControllerHelpers::Auth
helper Spree::BaseHelper
helper Spree::StoreHelper
I ran into the problem when it current_store
was undefined outside the mechanism. I'm not sure how to solve this correctly, but in the meantime I just added the following to stop the spree from calling current_store:
module Spree
module Core
module ControllerHelpers
module Order
def current_order_params
{ currency: current_currency, guest_token: cookies.signed[:guest_token], store_id: Spree::Store.first, user_id: try_spree_current_user.try(:id) }
In addition, you helper Spree::StoreHelper
no longer need to display the cart button and current orders.
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You need to do two things
- Create your override
- Make your override available within the main application
Step 1: The My Spree overrides are located in the overrides folder in the main application. The override should be called module_eval
in the module you are decorating.
Spree::BaseHelper.module_eval do
def link_to_cart(text = nil)
#Your customizations here
Step 2. Add one of the lines below to the main ApplicationController to access your decorated helper.
helper_method :link_to_cart # Add only the link_to_cart method
helper 'spree/base' # Add all methods (your decoration plus the default methods)
# from the Spree BaseHelper module to your main app
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There have been some updates since Abram left his answer. This got me on the right track, but I had a few hiccups. The main one was current_currency
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
include Spree::Core::ControllerHelpers::Order
include Spree::Core::ControllerHelpers::Auth
include Spree::Core::ControllerHelpers::Store
include Spree::Core::ControllerHelpers::Common
helper Spree::BaseHelper
I tried the Spree navbar and used it for my main application.
It started working when I added include Spree::Core::ControllerHelpers::Common
. Unfortunately this displays all views in the layout spree_application.html.erb
. You may need to redefine and slightly change this view.
Also, all the css comes from a rampage at this stage. You will need to move your own css to the spree namespace and @import it.
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You will also need to include the correct helpers in the main application outside of the engine. In the upcoming 3.2.0 spree release, I just needed to add:
# class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
include Spree::Core::ControllerHelpers::Store
include Spree::Core::ControllerHelpers::Order
include Spree::Core::ControllerHelpers::Auth
to my ApplicationController to make it link_to_cart
work all over the place. You need to include more than one helper class because for example current_store
(used by other helpers) is defined in Spree::Core::ControllerHelpers::Store
, so add that to get rid of any errors.
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