Git smart line and word diff

I would like to git diff

and combine the regular phased distinction with git diff --word-diff

. The problem with linear differences is that they are not needed if I swap one or two words and leave the line mostly intact - the alternation is too rough. On the other hand, if I change entire lines and use --word-diff

, sometimes the diff algorithm will get confused and spit out incredibly confusing differences, with lots of words inserted and deleted to "morph" one line into another.

Is there a way to indicate that it git

should be smart about this and only --word-diff

if it really makes sense to do it (step by step, of course)?


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1 answer

The smartest I've found for git diff --word-diff

or git diff --color-words

is the predefined templates that come with git (as used in --word-diff-regex

or diff.wordregex

). They give good AFAICT results.

For a list of predefined diff drivers (they all also have predefined text expressions), see the docs for.gitattributes

. It is further indicated that

you still need to enable this with the attribute mechanism via .gitattributes

So, to activate the pattern python

for all files *.py

, you can run the following command in your repo root (omit the quotes under Windows):

echo '*.py diff=python' >> .gitattributes


If you are interested in what the different preset templates look like, have a look at the git source code



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